I’ve been called many things in my life but Fiestaban brought an extended smile to my face, even if it’s no longer ‘quite’ as appropriate as it once was!

Despite the continued enjoyment of a life lived with selective use of a hand-brake, I’ve realized that I increasingly need to find a little mental equilibrium, as the prospect of my own mortality starts to appear in the distance. The result has been to get my teeth into a wide range of history, philosophy, psychology and even quantum physics in an attempt to strip away cultural myths, and try to see the world as it really is.
This site is neither a vanity project, nor a commercial venture, but an attempt to share some of the ideas that emerge as a result of my own mental explorations. I appreciate that not everyone has the appetite or time to read extensively and that the media, advertising & marketing bombardment we all receive daily has a distorting effect on our perceptions of reality. So, I hope this site provides some food for thought and easy access to other material you might find interesting.